Being Authentic in the LGBTQ Community – Being Your Best Self

In a couple of weeks, I will be speaking at Gathered and Grounded in Decatur, GA about being authentic in mind and body and we will follow the discussion with an LGBTQ affirming healing yoga class. I wanted to speak about being authentic when you are part of the LGBTQ community because being comfortable with your own body and own expression is extremely important. When we can’t be who we really are, that can lead to anxiety and harm our spirits.

Being Authentic

Sometimes, I get phone calls in the practice from people who are worried about their child being transgender and expressing themselves as their gender. Sometimes I get phone calls from anxious parents who think their child’s gender identity came on too sudden and it cannot be true, or it is just a phase. It’s important as parents to let our children express themselves in the way they want to express themselves, so they can live their most authentic lives. It’s important to know that what your child might have just told you about their gender or sexuality, they probably have been thinking about this for longer than you realize and maybe they just now got up the courage to talk to you about it. Just because they are just now talking to you about it doesn’t mean they haven’t been thinking about for a while now.

It Can Be Difficult

It’s important to believe people about their gender and sexuality. It’s important to believe people when they tell you they are transgender. Although I am cisgender, I promise you feelings of gender aren’t taken lightly or explored without a lot of thought and often a lot of worrying. People may think it’s easy to be authentic, but, it can be very difficult, especially when you are worried what people might think or how they might treat you differently. If you are worried about being authentic or coming out to your parents or friends, it can help to find a therapist to talk to. Sometimes when you are younger, you may want to talk to someone, but you don’t know how to ask for help.

Reach Out For Help

I make it easy to reach out for help on my website by offering online appointment scheduling and email that goes directly to me. This way, if you are worried about reaching out to someone to talk to, you know that you can either make an appointment easily or ask any questions you may have by email here. If you want to be the most authentic person you can be and want someone to talk to about your gender identity or sexuality, reach out to me and we can work together so lead the most authentic life as your best self.You can reach me at 404-800-7586 or by email here.

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