Competent Trans Clinical Care

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Competent Clinical Care with the Transgender Community with SOC8 update

This 5-hour core CEU covers a brief overview of terms and definitions for the transgender community, explains the differences between sex and gender identity, and gender expressions. Clinicians will be able to write a letter of support for hormones and begin to understand how to write a letter for gender affirming surgeries including updates to SOC8. Clinicians will come to an understanding of how gender dysphoria interacts with co-occurring conditions, including case discussions. Clinicians will learn three clinical modalities to work with clients with gender dysphoria, including solution focused therapy, mindful self-compassion, and cognitive behavioral therapy.

This course is now available asynchronous as an on demand 3 hour CEU course here:

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118 E. Maple Street
Decatur, GA 30030

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